Overview of Parashat Vayechi
Rishon: Yaakov lived for 17 years in Mitzrayim and for a total of 147 years. (This was less than his father Yitzchak who lived for 180 years). He called for his son Yosef (who had power) and made him swear not to bury him in Mitzrayim, but rather to bury him with his fathers in the Maarat Hamachpela. (He knew that Mitzrayim's soil would soon turn into lice and did not want lice crawling on his body, he also did not want to have to roll underground to Eretz Yisrael for Tchiat Hametim, he did not want Mitzrayim to make him into an avoda zara, and finally, he wanted to impart an important lesson upon his children as well as future descendants, that our only true home is Eretz Yisrael). Yosef was informed of Yaakov's illness and he came to see him with his sons, Efrayim and Menashe. Yaakov reminded Yosef of the oath that The Almighty had sworn to him, to increase his offspring as well as give his descendants this land as an everlasting possession. Yaakov then takes Efrayim and Menashe as his own children and calls them in for a blessing.
Sheni: Yisrael (Yaakov) was unable to see due to old age. Yosef positioned Menashe the firstborn to his right and Efrayim to his left. Yaakov crossed his hands placing his Right over Efrayim the younger one and his left over Menashe. He then blessed Yosef that his (Yaakov's) guardian angel should bless the boys and that they should carry the name of himself and his fathers Avraham and Yitzchak, and that they should multiply like fish.
Shelishi: Yosef tried to reposition Yaakov's hands, but Yaakov refused telling Yosef that he was well aware of who was older. He blessed the boys putting Efrayim before Menashe. Yaakov then told Yosef that G-d will be with you and eventually return you to the land of your fathers. Yaakov then gave Yosef the extra land portion of Shechem (also a reference to the birthright) which he he took from the hand of the Amorites (from Eisav who behaved like the Amorites) with his sword and bow (with his wisdom and prayer).
Revii: Yaakov called in all his sons and desired to reveal the end of time to them (however the Shechina was removed from him), he then began to bless them (Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Zevulun, Yissachar, Dan).
Chamishi: Yaakov continued to bless his sons (Gad, Asher, Naftali, Yosef).
Shishi: Yaakov completed blessing all of his sons (Binyamin). He told them that he was about to die and that he wanted to be buried in the Maarat Hamachpela where Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivkah, and Leah are buried. He then passed away and Yosef had him embalmed. Yosef then asked Paroh for permission to bury Yaakov in his pre dug burial plot in the land of Kenaan (Eretz Yisrael). Paroh gave permission and Yaakov was buried in the Maarat Hamachpela as per his instructions. Upon return to Mitzrayim, Yosef's brothers then asked him for forgiveness for the evil they had done to him. Yosef cried and so did the brothers and he told them that this was all really part of G-d's plan.
Shevii: Yosef reassured his brothers not to be afraid, and that he personally would provide for them. Yosef told his brothers that he was about to die, and that G-d would remember them and take them to the land that was promised to Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. He made them swear that they would take his bones with them out of Mitzrayim and he passed away at the age of 110.
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