In the moment of the nisayon (test), you cannot expect anything to make any sense, if it did, then it would not be considered a test. Therefore, the way to avoid reacting and failing the test is to learn to throw out your sechel (understanding of things) and just receive. This is the ultimate tikkun of Malchut. In order to understand anything, we first have to be bitul (nullify ourselves) and just receive. It is in these critical moments of the test where this is the real avodah, to just receive. Do not make the mistake of reacting back or analyzing or picking on little inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the words of the message. Rather realize that it was all sent to you from Hashem as a tikkun and thank Hashem for it (even if it makes absolutely no sense to you).
Once we can accomplish this with total bitul, then the Malchut is fixed and we will merit receiving expanded consciousness and an inflow of shefa (divine abundance). Now is the time to apply your sechel / intellect and make any necessary corrections to your actions. You see, when you are under fire, the sechel is constricted and nothing will process correctly, however, once we accept and acknowledge that all is from Hashem and all is for our very best, then we can relax and feel happy and comforted. This in turn will expand the sechel and will allow us to proceed correctly. This is the difference between reacting like an animal and behaving like a human being who is made in the image of G-d.
In the book the Inner Game Of Tennis which is used by sports and life coaches, they talk about not judging oneself after a bad (or good) shot. I think this is basically the nullification (bitul) idea in the wider world. By just receiving, the magic can start to happen...
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