You know what the problem with Nuclear power is?
It represents the attitude that we can make our own energy. We don't need G-d, we can do it ourselves!
Well, now Hashem is unleashing nuclear disasters right back in the face of that attitude.
Am Yisrael, we really need to wake up and do some serious soul searching and returning to Hashem. From Purim until Pesach is the real time to have faith in Hashem and in Moshe his serveant (the Tzaddikim). The Tzaddikim are all telling us that the time is very very very near. Just grab onto Hashem with whatever you've got! You have to be willing to leave it all, to just give it all up, all the attachments and inverstments you have in the physical world, your home, your money, your car, just leave it all and come to Hashem.
You must have a desire for Eretz Yisrael. Ask yourselves honestly, "Do I really desire to come to Eretz Yisrael?" Are you feeling comfortable and settled in the lands of your sojournigs? If this is so, we are in big trouble. Start talking to Hashem every single day. Ask Him to give you the desire for Eretz Yisrael, ask Him to help you love learning Torah more than you love television and Facebook.
Women, ask Hashem to merit to dress more modestly, to get rid of your wigs and cover your head like a true daughter of the King. Men beg Hashem for holiness, for helping you guard your eyes from seing women. Do you even know what sublime pleasures await you if you just guard your eyes. Just like a blind person (lo aleinu) has his other senses heightened (how they learn to read braille, and sense things better, etc.) So too, if we begin to guard our eyes, this will limit the intake of the 'physical world' into our senses (almost like making yourself intentionally blind to this world) then our spiritual senses will begin to soar and we will really learn how to feel and see Hashem in our lives.
If we do these things, than as bad as things may seem, even the "radiation" can be totally turned around and we can be saved no matter what trouble we may be in. Our Rabbis tell us that the miracles we are about to experience will be far greater than those of the exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the sea.
May we all be zoche!
Short video to help us understand all these disasters:
If you do not believe me on the "radiation" dangers, than have a look at this article, but don't forget that this is all Hashem and He can and will turn it all around when we make teshuva and cling to Him with total emuna.
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