Thursday, December 9, 2010

Who's really in Charge?


Yom Hamishi, 2nd of Tevet, 5771
8th day of Hannukah

The reason behind all our suffering and difficulties in life is due to our own insanity! What is this insanity from? It's from thinking that we are in control of our lives. That's right, YOU actually think that you are in control of your own life. This is the biggest insanity that there is and it is a complete denial of G-d's active control over His creation (hashgacha).

Instead of us kicking and screaming for our own way all the time, we need to start letting go. That's right, it is time to start letting go of our imagined control over things and to start letting G-d step in and guide us, He has a plan for us, we are not here for nothing. We need to start closing our eyes to all the distractions and confusion out there in the world and find G-d again. We need to start talking to Him and making a personal relationship with Him. The best place to achieve this awareness is out in the fields, away from this insane world. Second best option would be in a quiet room all by yourself, and another good option would be even out in the park where children are playing.

I heard from Rav Kinstein that children are much more aware of the truth and are not yet fully trained in the whole insanity of this world. But unfortunately it doesn’t last long, because we are teaching our own children this insanity every single day. Every time they see us without a smile, every time they experience our anger toward them or anyone else, we are teaching them that Hashem does not run the world. Think about it, why does a person get angry? It is because things are not going their way, according to their own will. But wait a minute, who's really the one in charge? Is it you, or is it G-d? When we get angry, we are teaching our children that we are in charge, however when we smile, when we take that deep breath of calm and patience in the face of insult and we allow our brains to work and remind ourselves of our simple emunah, that this is from Hashem and it is certainly for my best, then we show ourselves, our wives, our children and even the whole world that Hashem is in charge!

I bless you all this 8th night of Channukah to break free of what the Greeks taught us and are still trying to teach us. We need to come back to simple emunah in Hashem and remember to stay happy since all He is doing is for our very best. We need to stop getting angry and start getting humble. We need to get Hashem back into our lives, start talking to Him.

Hannukah Sameach,

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